
How do we fit in with other initiatives on the ground?

We are mapping and collaborating with ongoing Single-topic Assemblies related with global issues to create a collaborative learning Network.

Global Assembly on Climate Emergency

The global assembly on the climate emergency was an experience conducted in 2020 and involved 100 people selected by civic lottery and who submitted a statement to the COP26.

Global Citizens' Assembly on Genome Editing

The Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance is heading a network of collaborators organizing the first GCA on genome editing. The GCA begins with deliberation in national chapters then convenes participants into a multilingual and transnational assembly. Outcomes from the GCA will be reported to national-levell bodies and global organizations.

World Wide Views

Global citizen consultation initiative launched in 2009 by the DBT. WWViews consultations involve multisite deliberations happening on the same day all over the world. Votes from each site are aggregated on the WWViews website and presented to policymakers. So far, three WWViews consultations have taken place: Global Warming (2009), Biodiversity (2012), Climate and Energy (2015).

We, the Internet

Global participatory consultation on the future of the Internet organized by Missions Publiques. Utilizes one day deliberation in multiple sites. Citizens' recommendations are "collected and synthesized" to present to decision-makers.